Tuesday, January 10, 2006

How well do you know your people?

Besides their first and last names, what do you really know about your people?

Do you know what their life goals are? Do you know what their strengths and weaknesses are? If you don't really know these answers, you may want to consider something that will help you get closer to them.

Why bother, you ask? Well my guess is that you want buy in from your employees and you say you want them to work hard and produce results. For this to happen, you want them to be more than a clock watcher. You want them to care about their jobs and put in the extra bit of effort that produces results. You want them to be involved and buy in.

How do you get them involved?

Try a rotating leadership counsel that randomly selects individuals from each group/division of your company.

The purpose of the act is to meet with individuals that you might not normally meet with and solicit feedback and input into processes that they work with everyday. Too many times the leaders meet only with the section boss or supervisor and don't include the people who actually do the work and actually know the process.

Not only will this help them feel like you actually care but you will find that you are learning more about your organization and the information that you gather will enable you to make smarter decisions. In addition, I think you will find that you will start to develop a more personal relationship with those folks that share your office space.

Try it.


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